Welcome to Southwest Florida Yacht Club
The club was formed in 2012 as a cruising and social club for boaters living or having their boats moored in Southwest Florida.
The club promotes the enjoyment, knowledge, and safety of boating through organized overnight cruises and social functions.
Boating activities include short and extended cruises throughout Florida and monthly lunch cruises to various waterfront restaurants in the Cape Coral and Ft. Myers area.
Typically, Club members meet monthly for membership meetings and social gatherings.
In the News!
SFYC wins in several categories at the Boca Grande Golf Cart Contest Parades - 2024, 2023 and 2022!

2024 Boca Grande Golf Parade Download 2023_Cart_Parade.MOV
2022 Boca Grande Parade
Nice article on Flemings, featuring the Bernsteins and Tonto's Reward in the Soundings online:
Check out a SFYC feature SWFLYC Article in Spotlight Magazine!
Southwest Florida Yacht Club
12901 McGregor Blvd
Suite 20-132
Fort Myers, Florida 33919
Email: membership@swflyc.com • Phone:440-487-7200